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  • Name:Jimmy
    Date:31-08-2002 23:04
    Country:Northern Ireland
    Terrific easy to read layout. Well Done! Good luck with the tutorials - they are excellent.
  • Name:mak only
    Date:24-08-2002 00:05
    Please try to release more tutorials on win32asm.. and put some of Iczelion homepage tutorials... last how can I update an exe file putting more code in it.... thanks
  • Name:27 IDX 106 - Odinn
    Date:16-08-2002 14:31
    Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors. You Are also --> WELCOME <-- To Visit My Webpage as well Have BIG fun...
  • Name:nyam
    Date:12-08-2002 10:41
    Hi exagone! I'm using your great PNGLib, and it works very well! Thank you! I hope that PNGLib supports writting PNG file. : ) Thank you!!!
  • Name:sprbeyond
    Date:23-07-2002 08:40
    Thank you for writing such an excellent work to approach ASM basics with a view oriented at win32. very clean and concise site for win32asm sprbeyond
  • Name:kk
    Date:28-06-2002 15:14
    Thanks for writing such an excellent and precise piece of art about the assembly language in windows. I really enjoyed id and hope to read other art works. Kind regards
  • Name:SkaHunter
    Date:06-06-2002 19:57
    Country:The Netherlands
    Zeker een mooie nieuwe layout! echt gaaf!
  • Name:Thomas Bleeker
    Date:28-05-2002 12:12
    Country:The Netherlands
    *Administrator message* Nyam: PNG_OUTF_AUTO isn't supported by PNG_OutputRaw. But why don't you use PNG_CreateBitmap instead? The last parameter is a bool which specifies whether to produce a DDB or a DIB. Thomas
  • Name:nyam
    Date:28-05-2002 04:57
    Hi exagone! Did you remember me? I wrote a question about GIFLIB few month ago. Thanks for making GIFLIB! And, I saw your PNGlib today!!! Great! I was bored with zlib+libpng. Thank you very much Exagone! But, I'm working with DIB. So, I used 'PNG_OutputRaw' function. But, It's too hard for me to use. Because third arguments of the function cannot accept PNG_OUTF_AUTO. Could you help me to use PNG_OUTF_AUTO in PNG_OutputRaw function? Thank you for reading! Have a good day!!! : )
  • Name:Chris Shucksmith
    Date:14-05-2002 23:37
    Excellent work to approach ASM basics with a view oriented at Win32, first class tutorials as well. Clean and concise - just how they all should be, very helpfull for beginners moving from another language or processor. I hope you update the html-help version soon. Many Thanks, Chris