Electronic Projects
USB phone charger on batteries
A new version of the portable phone charger powered by two AA batteries. This version has a USB connector and can deliver up to 1A at 5V.Chameleon project
Video processing board for realtime colored lighting effects based on TV images or other video devices. Chameleon will be a standalone device that does not require a PC for its operation.Toaster reflow oven (work in progress)
Currently I am building a reflow oven out of a simple toaster oven. It is still a work in progress.Playing video from flash memory on Nokia LCD
LCD video player that plays raw video data from an old flash memory chip using a MAX II CPLD and a Nokia color LCD.AVR mod player
Music player based on an AVR that can play mod files from a parallel flash memory.AVR JTAG adapter
Optically isolated JTAGICE-1 clone based on IsoJTAGISP.Portable phone charger on batteries
A portable phone charger powered by two AA batteries using a basic DC-DC step-up converter.Power measurement module
Power measurement module for low currents. Built for measuring sensor network node power consumption.Dead bug style AVR controller for PLED
Simple LCD controller with an AVR in dead bug style.